
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Makan: A Place of Cultural Keepsake Arts & Cultur

Makan: A Place of Cultural Keepsake
Situated on the corner of Saad Zaghloul and Mansour Street in the shabby yet chic neighbourhood of Mounira, Makan provides a cosy ambience and stellar atmosphere for live music performances and other art forms that have historically breathed life into the Egyptian community.

More notable than its convenient location, however, is Makan's admirable purpose; the establishment, which is also known as The Egyptian Centre for Culture and Art, serves to be much greater than just a modest venue to hear a little music every once in awhile.  
Makan's aim as a music venue and art space is to not only to record and present traditional Egyptian music in a sacred yet relational way, but also to encourage individuals to take part in the re-awakening of a culturally significant Egyptian arts and music scene. In recent years, its significance has been seemingly glossed over by uniformity, modern conventionalism, and lack of aspiration to, heaven forbid, experience anything culturally relevant and historically rich.
For the heritage of this timeless arts and music scene to survive, ranging from dance and music to poetry and spoken word, venues such as Makan are critical for conservation.
On Tuesday evenings, as you enter the eclectic dwelling space of Makan's performance area, various instruments will be found lining the stage, ranging from a saxophone to the Egyptian arghoul (woodwind instrument) and enough percussions to have you moving to the anticipated beats before the show even begins. 

Nass Makan takes the stage and you realize the beauty of tradition and the peace in keeping it alive. Whether you choose to sit in the dimly lit loft overlooking the performers or catch a seat close enough to feel the vibrations of the bass, the interaction between the performers and the audience provides an intimate setting to truly embrace the music of the moment. From the jazz-infused rhythms, combined with traditional Egyptian and Sudanese styles, to the sultry, powerful voice of Sudanese singer Asia , Nass Makan is a sweet, musical jewel that shouldn't be missed. 

The fresh sound and symbolic nature of the music is a rare find these days. If a free Tuesday can't be found, the Mazaher ensemble plays on Wednesdays, including a tamboura (six-string lyre) and manjour (leather belt with goat hooves). The Mazaher ensemble is one of the last Zar performance groups in Egypt ; so it’s a unique and enlightening experience.
Don't miss the self-serve tea and karkade station and make sure to arrive early to guarantee good seating. CDs are often sold at the door after the performances, providing a great way to not only support the artists but to continue being part of Makan's ambitious aim of keeping the traditional Egyptian arts and music scene alive.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grilled Mackerel Fish Recipes & Madiun acid


Five hundred grams of mackerel fish

Materials spices:

2 cloves garlic
3 red onion
2-inch young ginger
1 inch yellow life
Salt to taste
Little black pepper

Materials Madiun acid:

2 large onion - sliced
1 clove garlic - sliced
A sprig of red chilli - sliced
30 grams tamarind Javanese - was the juice with 50 ml water
20 grams sugar

Way of preparation:

Season fish with spices or ingredients for a minute.

Heat pan and roast fish until cooked.

For sour sauce, integrated all the dressing ingredients.

Ready to serve. Good try.

Resepi Ikan Tenggiri Panggang & Kuah Asam


500 gram isi ikan tenggiri

Bahan rempah:

2 ulas bawang putih
3 biji bawang merah
2 inci halia muda
1 inci kunyit hidup
Garam secukup rasa
Sedikit lada hitam

Bahan Kuah Asam:

2 biji bawang besar - dihiris
1 ulas bawang putih - dihiris
1 tangkai cili merah - dihiris
30 gram asam jawa – buat jus dengan 50 ml air
20 gram gula melaka

Cara Penyediaan:

Perap ikan bersama bahan rempah selama 1 minit.

Panaskan kuali dan panggang ikan sehingga masak.

Untuk kuah asam, satukan kesemua bahan kuah.

Sedia dihidangkan. Selamat mencuba.

shafiqfarhan Udang Goreng Bersalut Telur

Bahan-bahan ( 1 - 2 Orang )

  • >> Bahan-bahan Utama <<
  • Udang besar 8 - 10 ekor yang siap dibersihkan (jgn buang kulit dan kepala, hilang kerangupannya).
  • 2 biji telur
  • 2 sudu besar tepung ubi
  • 1/2 sudu teh serbuk lada berperisa
  • 1/2 sudu teh gula
  • 1 sudu teh kicap
  • Minyak untuk menggoreng
  • Garam secukup rasa
  • >> Sos Pencicah <<
  • 4 biji cili merah besar ditumbuk/dikisar
  • 2 sudu besar gula ditumbuk/dikisar
  • 2 ulas bawang putih ditumbuk/dikisar
  • 1 sudu besar perencah udang bercili (Maggi)
  • 4 biji limau kasturi (boleh diganti dengan 1 sudu besar cuka)


  1. Gaul udang dengan tepung ubi sampai sebati.
  2. Gaulkan serbuk lada, gula, kicap dan garam secukup rasa bersama telur.
  3. Setelah itu, campurkan telur dan bahan-bahan campuran tadi dengan udang yang bersalut tepung ubi. Gaulkan hingga sebati.
  4. Goreng satu persatu udang tersebut. Kalau nak ekspress, just tuang aje semuanya ke dalam kuali.
  5. Untuk penyediaan sosnya pula, bahan-bahan sos pencicah tadi ditumis dan masukkan perencah udang bercili Maggi. Kemudian rembeskan limau kasturi. Kacau sekejap. Itu saja! 

    Easy Steamed Fish Recipes snappers


    1 medium sized barramundi fish
    3 tablespoons oyster sauce
    2 milk, chili sauce
    2 milk, tomato sauce
    1 tablespoon sugar
    A sprig of red chili - finely dimayang
    4 cm ginger - finely dimayang
    3 cloves garlic - dimayang
    Seeds ½ lime
    salt to taste

    How to cook:

    Wash the fish and the two sides not to drop out of soil salt and sugar.
    Pour just three sauces.
    Enter the fish on the plate last summer, seeding materials dimayang earlier.
    Steam until the estimated cooking for 10 minutes. Sprinkle chopped parsley mixture and lemon on top dairy

    Resepi Ikan Siakap Kukus Mudah


    1 ekor ikan siakap sederhana besar
    3 sudu besar sos tiram
    2 susu besar sos cili
    2 susu besar sos tomato
    1 sudu gula
    1 tangkai cili merah – dimayang halus
    4 cm halia – dimayang halus
    3 ulas bawang putih – dimayang
    ½ biji limau nipis
    garam secukup rasa

    Cara memasak:

    Cuci ikan dan belah dua jangan sampai putus lumur garam dan gula.
    Tuang ketiga-tiga sos tadi.
    Masukkan ikan dalam pinggan tahan panas, tabur bahan yang dimayang tadi.
    Kukus hingga masak anggaran selama 10 minit. Tabur hirisan daun sup tadi dan perah limau diatasnya

    Shrimp recipe blow-LOVE

    ½ pound shrimp

    1 small cans Tomato puree

    A thin orange seeds

    A tie coriander

    1 cup water

    Oil adequate

    Salt and sugar to taste

    Spices GILING:

    1 tsp caraway fine

    1 tsp black pepper

    1 tbsp coriander

    1 large onion pumpkin

    1 clove garlic

    5 pieces of red onion

    5 stalks dried pepper

    1 stick lemon grass

    For decoration:

    ½ cup fried onion

    1 large onion (cut into round)

    A sprig of red pepper (sliced)

    1 stalk green pepper (chopped)

    Heat oil, Stir ingredients that have been rolled out earlier. Add water, tomato puree and cook until the shrimp boil. Then add the water orange peel, salt, sugar and coriander leaves. Cook until sauce thickens. Finally, add the onion, red pepper, green pepper and garlic fries.


    ½ kilo Udang
    1 Tin kecil Tomato puri
    1 biji Limau nipis
    1 ikat Daun Ketumbar
    1 cawan Air
    Minyak secukupnya
    Garam dan gula secukup rasa

    1 sdt Jintan halus
    1 sdt Lada hitam
    1 sdm Ketumbar
    1 labu Bawang besar
    1 ulas Bawang putih
    5 biji Bawang merah
    5 tangkai Lada kering
    1 batang Serai

    ½ cawan Bawang goreng
    1 biji Bawang besar (dipotong bulat)
    1 tangkai Lada merah (dihiris)
    1 tangkai Lada hijau (dihiris)

    Panaskan minyak, tumiskan bahan-bahan yang telah digiling tadi. Masukkan air, tomato puri dan udang dimasak sehingga mendidih. Kemudian masukkan air perahan limau, garam, gula dan daun ketumbar. Masak sehingga kuah pekat. Akhir sekali, masukkan bawang besar, lada merah, lada hijau dan bawang goreng.

    Saturday, May 22, 2010

    Laksam kelantan food - recipe modification from Ida

    Ingredients (2-3 people)

        * 3cwn TPG rice
        * 1 / 2 cwn TPG wheat
        * 4cwn warm water
        *>> Of dressing:
        * Fish (boiled, the bones removed), was dipped tuh mcm nk
        * Sdkt ginger
        * Sdkt garlic
        * Laksam

    Resepi Laksam

    masakan kelantan - ubahsuai resepi dari Ida

    Bahan-bahan ( 2-3 orang )

    • 3cwn tpg beras
    • 1/2 cwn tpg gandum
    • 4cwn air suam
    • >>bahan kuah:
    • Ikan(direbus,dibuang tulang)-mcm nk buat laksa tuh

    Laksam Recipe


    Laksam material:
    3 cups rice flour
    6 tablespoons cornstarch
    6 cups water

    Resepi Laksam :


    Bahan Laksam:
    3 cawan tepung beras

    Acar fruit Maklang

    The materials

        * 4 pieces lime / citrus musk
        * 10 pieces of bamboo orange starfruit

    Acar Buah-Buahan Maklang


    • 4 biji limau nipis/kasturi jeruk

    Laksam and gravy recipe

    Laksam .Bahan plate Laksam

    200 g rice flour
    40 g wheat flour
    1 tablespoon flour, starch
    Enough salt
    550-600 ml water
    Oil for melengser

    Resepi Laksam dan Kuahnya

    Sepinggan Laksam.Bahan Laksam
    200 g tepung beras
    40 g tepung gandum
    1 camca tepung kanji
    Garam secukupnya
    550-600 ml air
    Minyak untuk melengser

    Acar Special Fruit

    >> Citrus fruits for fruit Acar

    >> Acar fruit stand kept a few weeks.

    Acar Buah-buahan IstimewaAcar Buah-buahan Istimewa

    >>Buah-buahan jeruk untuk acar buah

    Wednesday, May 19, 2010

    Recipe Asam Pedas Ikan Pari fuh!

    Rays 600g (cut six)
    A flower stalk ginger bud (cut into ½)
    2 stalks spring kesum
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp sugar
    Javanese tamarind juice (tamarind fruit 30g Java mixed with a liter of water)
    6 stalks red pepper
    3 stalks dried chillies
    Turmeric 1cm life
    1sdb I sliced lemon grass
    4 sliced galangal
    ½ red onion
    6 cloves garlic
    1 tsp coriander
    ½ tsp shrimp paste

    Cara Cara
    1. Heat oil and Stir ingredients well-blended.
    2. Enter the Rays and cook for 2-3 minutes until kecut.
    3. Enter the interest rate cut ginger bud and leaf ½ kesum.
    4. Mix the tamarind juice and allow to boil Java. Enter the seasoning ingredients and serve with the sliced ginger bud delicate flower.

    Resepi Asam Pedas Ikan Pari Fuh!

    600g ikan pari (dipotong enam)
    1 tangkai bunga kantan (dipotong ½)
    2 tangkai daun kesum
    1 sdt garam
    1 sdt gula
    jus asam jawa (30g buah asam jawa dicampur dgn 1 liter air)
    (yg dikisar)
    6 batang lada merah
    3 batang lada kering
    1cm kunyit hidup
    1sdb serai yg dihiris
    4 hiris lengkuas
    ½ biji bawang merah
    6 biji bawang putih
    1 sdt ketumbar
    ½ sdt belacan

    Cara Cara
    1. Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan-bahan yg dikisar.
    2. Masukkan ikan pari dan masak sehingga kecut selama 2-3 minit.
    3. Masukkan bunga kantan yang dipotong ½ serta daun kesum.
    4. Campurkan jus asam jawa dan biarkan hingga mendidih. Masukkan bahan-bahan perasa dan hidangkan bersama bunga kantan yang dihiris halus.

    special bone soup recipe


    3 pound lamb or beef bones
    ½ inch ginger
    3 large onion seeds
    8 cloves garlic
    7 stems green pepper
    7 Seed Egg
    1 tsp black pepper
    1 tsp white pepper
    2 SDB Tomato Ketchup
    A flat scoop sugar (or to taste)
    Paste ½ box

    Cara Cara

    1. Boil the bones with water until tender.
    2. After the bone tender, leave some water in periok ¾
    3. Put above ingredients together with crushed pepper
    4. Take the paste and stir in half a box stock
    5. Stir until thick flat
    6. Enter Tomato Ketchup and stir
    7. Apply salt to taste with sugar, white pepper and black pepper
    8. Stir until boiling
    9. Add eggs
    10. Take a green chilli cut and chopped into the sauce.

    Resepi Sup Tulang Istimewa

    *Copy Foto :)


    3 kilo Tulang kambing atau lembu
    ½ inci Halia
    3 biji Bawang besar
    8 ulas Bawang putih
    7 batang Cili hijau
    7 biji Telur
    1 sdt Lada hitam
    1 sdt Lada putih
    2 sdb Tomato Ketchup
    1 senduk rata Gula (atau secukup rasa)
    ½ kotak Paste

    Cara Cara

    resepi Nasi Puding Istimewa

    1 cawan dimasak butir panjang atau beras basmati
    1 cawan susu utuh
    1 / 2 cawan krim kental
    3 / 4 cup santan
    2 ons gula, kira-kira 1 / 4 cup
    1 / 4 sdt kapulaga tanah
    1 1 / 2 ons kismis emas, kira-kira 1 / 3 cup
    1 1 / 2 ons cincang unsalted pistachio, sekitar 1 / 3 cup

    Dalam tumis nonstick periuk besar di atas api sedang, menggabungkan nasi dan susu. Panas sampai campuran bermula mendidih. Penurunan panas, untuk rendah dan masak di masak perlahan hingga campuran mula mengental, aduk terus, sekitar 5 minit.
    Meningkatkan panas ke medium, tambah krim pekat, santan, gula, dan kapulaga dan terus masak hingga campuran hanya bermula menebal lagi, sekitar 5 hingga 10 minit. Gunakan berus kecil untuk membantu mencegah kapulaga dari penggumpalan. Setelah campuran bermula mengental saja, keluarkan dari panas dan kacau dalam kismis dan pistachio. Transfer campuran untuk melayani individu pinggan atau mangkuk tempat gelas dan bungkus plastik langsung di permukaan puding. Sajikan dingin atau pada suhu bilik.

    Ringkasan Recipe
    Kesulitan: Mudah
    Prep Time: 10 minit
    Aktif Prep Time: 1 jam
    Cook Time: 20 minit
    Yield: 4 servings

    Special Rice Pudding recipe

    1 cup cooked long grain or basmati rice
    1 cup whole milk
    1/2 cup heavy cream
    3/4 cup coconut milk
    2 ounces sugar, approximately 1/4 cup
    1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
    1 1/2 ounces golden raisins, approximately 1/3 cup
    1 1/2 ounces chopped unsalted pistachios, approximately 1/3 cup

    In a large nonstick saute pan over medium heat, combine the cooked rice and milk. Heat until the mixture begins to boil. Decrease the heat to low and cook at a simmer until the mixture begins to thicken, stirring frequently, approximately 5 minutes.
    Increase the heat to medium, add the heavy cream, coconut milk, sugar, and cardamom and continue to cook until the mixture just begins to thicken again, approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Use a whisk to help prevent the cardamom from clumping. Once the mixture just begins to thicken, remove from the heat and stir in the raisins and pistachios. Transfer the mixture to individual serving dishes or a glass bowl and place plastic wrap directly on the surface of the pudding. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

    Recipe Summary
    Difficulty: Easy
    Prep Time: 10 minutes
    Inactive Prep Time: 1 hour
    Cook Time: 20 minutes
    Yield: 4 servings

    Nasi Puding India - India Rice Pudding

    Puding beras bahan: -

    1 cawan beras Basmati
    1 cawan susu pekat / atau wanita pemerah susu - 1 tin 2 liter segar,
    Semua susu 3 / 4 cup
    Gula pasir
    kacang cincang (almond, cashewnuts)
    Kapulaga serbuk
    Sejumput safron
    Cocconut debu.

    Puding beras Kaedah persiapan: -

    Cuci beras. Panaskan susu dalam pan.When terbuka susu mendidih add beras. Rebus beras dalam susu di atas api sedang hingga nasi benar-benar dilakukan. Tambahkan susu kental dan masak selama beberapa minit., Aduk terus, sampai kheer mencapai konsistensi yang dikehendaki. Ketika tampaknya sepenuhnya matang, tambah gula, debu cocconut dan kacau hingga gula larut dan campuran thickens. Hapus dari api. Sajikan hiasi dengan kacang cincang, serbuk kapulaga dan kunyit. Hal ini lazat dua arah, sehingga puding beras boleh dihidangkan panas maupun dingin dilayani.

    Resep puding beras Acara: -

    Sajikan dengan roti India sebagai sebahagian daripada makanan utama atau makan sebagai pencuci mulut seorang.
    Beras nilai puding berkhasiat: -
    Moderat. kerana sangat berkhasiat untuk susu kandungan.
    Persiapan: -
    1 1/2Hr

    Indian Rice Pudding

    Rice pudding ingredients:-

    1 cup Basmati rice
    1 cup condensed milk/or milkmaid - 1 tin 2 quarts fresh,
    Whole milk 3/4 cup
    Granulated sugar
    Chopped nuts(almonds, cashewnuts)
    Cardamom powder
    Pinch of saffron
    Cocconut dust.

    Rice pudding preparation Method:-

    Wash rice. Heat the milk in a open pan.When the milk comes to a boil add the rice. Boil the rice in the milk on a medium fire until the rice is completely done. Add condensed milk and cook for another some min., stirring continuously, until the kheer reaches a desired consistency. When it seems fully cooked, add the sugar, cocconut dust and stir till the sugar is dissolved and the mixture thickens. Remove from fire. Serve garnished with chopped nuts, cardamom powder and saffron. It is delicious both ways, so rice pudding can be served hot as well as served chilled.

    Rice pudding recipe Occasion:-

    Serve with Indian bread as part of the main meal or eat as a dessert.
    Rice pudding nutritious value:-
    Moderate. Highly nutritious owing to milk content.
    Preparation time:-
    1 1/2Hr

    Resepi Biskut Famous Amos -


    1 / 2 pound butter, softened
    3 / 4 cup gula pasir
    3 / 4 cup brown sugar cahaya
    1 sendok teh vanili ekstrak
    2 butir telur
    1 sudu teh baking soda
    1 / 2 sdt garam

    Biskut Famous-Amos : Nice Famous cookies


    1/2 pound butter, softened
    3/4 cups granulated sugar
    3/4 cups light brown sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    2 eggs
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
    4 oz. chopped pecans
    18 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

    Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, vanilla, eggs, baking soda and salt in large mixing bowl.

    Combine the flour gradually (otherwise you'll have a big snow storm in your kitchen!)

    Stir in pecans.

    Stir in chocolate chips.

    Take tablespoons of batter and drop onto ungreased baking sheet.

    Bake in a preheated 375°F oven (350°F if you're using an electric oven) for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown. Check along the way because every oven is different! Let stand for 2 minutes and then remove to cool.

    refer: Famous-amous secret ingredient - "© 2002 Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Company, L.L.C.î,

    World Cup Recipe Ideas : By

    England lollyrecipeYES hero
    We have selected lots of great food for celebrations as part of our Real Food World Cup recipes feature. They will be updated every day so keep checking during the countdown to the World Cup.

    Group A

    South Africa
    Prego rolls – Probably a South African-Portuguese combination, the steaks for prego rolls should just be a couple of millimetres thick and the wine not too heavy. You need to have everything ready, as the meat only takes a couple of minutes to cook and these really should be eaten warm.
    Sticky brown ribs – Perfect finger food with a wonderful sweet chilli flavour.
    Milk tart – A buttery, cinnamon-spiked treat for special guests.

    Mexican jalapeño and lime burgers – Easy to make burgers with a spicy twist – the perfect dish for celebrating El Tri’s entry onto the world stage.
    Salmon and asparagus fajitas –  Easy-to-eat wraps that are just the thing for watching a big match.
    Speedy tortilla with peas, goat’s cheese and mint – Once cooked and cut into slices this tortilla makes great finger food to share.

    Gin fizz – Add to the party atmosphere with this refreshingly classic drink from Uruguay’s capital city of Montevideo.
    Meatballs (Albóndigas) – Add a taste of Latin America to your party with this popular dish.

    French onion soup – Pay homage to Les Bleus with this simple version of a French classic.
    Duck cassoulet with citrus cabbage salad – Classic dish full of the strong flavours of French country cooking.
    Cherry Clafoutis – A delicious fruity taste offset by the creaminess and sweetness of the filling.

    Group B

    Spicy bean and sweet potato stew – A great veggie casserole to serve alongside the meaty specialities of this country.

    Monday, May 17, 2010

    Tomato Nice for Baby : In Brief

    Did you know that a medium sized tomato contains approximately 47% of the (U.S.) recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C, and approximately 22% of the RDA of vitamin A.

    Due to the Vitamin C, you should make the tomato another great food to help absorb Iron.

    Tomatoes: (one cup, cooked)


    Vitamin A - 1174 IU
    Vitamin C - 54 mg
    Vitamin K - 6.7 mcg
    Folate (important during pregnancy) - 31 mcg
    Niacin - 1.27 mg

    Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


    Potassium - 523 mg
    Phosphorus - 67 mg
    Magnesium - 22 mg
    Calcium - 26 mg
    Sodium - 25 mg
    Iron - 1.63 mg
    Also contains trace amounts of zinc, manganese and copper.
    When can I introduce Tomatoes to my baby?

    The Goodness of Sweet Potatoes for Baby: in Brief

    The nutritional value of yams/sweet potatoes cannot be ignored. They are high in Vitamin A and beta carotene as well as potassium. They also contain a good amount of Vitamin E, calcium and folate.

    "The Nutrition Action Health Letter rated 58 vegetables by adding up the percentages of USRDA for six nutrients (Vitamins A and C, folate, iron, copper, and calcium), plus fiber. Sweet Potatoes topped the list with a whopping 582 points; its nearest competitor, a raw carrot came in at 434."˚

    Sweet Potatoes (1 medium baked)

    Vitamin A - 24,877 mg
    Vitamin C - 28.0 mg
    Pantothenic Acid - .74 mg
    Niacin - .69 mg
    Folate - 26.2 mcg

    Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


    Potassium - 273 mg
    Phosphorus - 29.5 mg
    Magnesium - 13.5 mg
    Calcium - 6.2 mg
    Sodium - 11.0 mg
    Iron - .55 mg
    Selenium - .5 mg
    Manganese - .6 mg
    Zinc - .3 mg

    Also contains small amount of copper.

    When can I introduce Sweet Potatoes to my baby?

    Sunday, May 9, 2010

    Sample menu open house

    Shrimp cocktail with sauce
    Meatballs in sweet and sour sauce
    Roast beef rounds with horseradish sauce
    Fried chicken and Barbecue Chicken drummettes
    Vegetable platter with Ranch dip
    Terra chips
    Cheese and crackers
    Fruit platter
    Dessert Bar

    The main table, covered in gold lame with tulle covering that,
    at twice the yardage for a fabulous effect.
    (this is what was actually used)
    Meats: shrimp – 7 – 2 lb bags @70 shrimp per bag = 490
    fried chicken and BBQ chicken drummettes – 30 lbs (15 lbs each)
    meat balls – 4 – 5 lb bags ~~ sweet and sour sauce (6 blts)
    pork tenderloin – 10 lbs (sliced) ~~ beef – top round – 10 lbs (sliced)
    Accompaniments: cocktail sauce – 3 -16 ounce bottles
    horseradish , 2- 6 ounce bottles ~~ sour cream , 2 -16 ounce cartons
    baguettes – 1 ~~ party rye and pumpernickel – 2 each
    mini-pitas – 2 packages
    taco chips – red, green, 1- 2 lb bag ~~ taco chips – regular, 1 – l.5 lb bag
    terra chips – 4 bags ~~ Salsa, 2 – 4 lb. jars
    Candy – 6 lbs, M&Ms – regular, peanut, almond; nuts/trail mix/white choc
    coated mini pretzels, 2 jars dry roasted peanuts
    Desserts – home made, sugar from bakery – santas, wreaths, green trees,
    stockings, crystal trees (3 lbs)
    choc chip, raisin, (platter from Price Club)
    mini pastries – 20 dozen
    Custard filled swans – 1 dozen
    mini strawberry tarts – 1 dozen
    Veggies: celery – 2 stalks, cherry toms – 1 qt., Carrots – 3 lbs – baby
    cukes – 6, broccoli – 2 lbs, cauliflower – 1 head
    red/green peppers – 3 each
    parsley, lettuce, … garnish
    Ranch dressing for dip – 1 32 ounce bottle
    Cheese: cheese cubes, 3 – l lbs bags (3 types)
    garlic cheese – 1 brick (price club)
    crackers – 2 boxes Pepperidge Farm assortment
    Fruit: grapes – 2 lbs, strawberries – 3 pints
    pineapple – 4 cored (outside and leaves used for display)
    lemons – 6, limes – 3
    Beverages: 6 diet coke (or pepsi) caffeine free, 4 regular
    6 ginger ale, 1 tonic, 1 sprite, 2 water, 1 club soda (2 liter bottles)

    what Hari Raya Open House ?

    Hari Raya Aidilfitri is a major occasion in the Islamic calendar. It marks the end of Ramadhan and the beginning of Syawal. During Ramadhan, all Muslims must fast during daylight hours for at least 30 days. Because Islam uses the lunar cycle to determine important days, Ramadhan and Syawal occur in different months in the Gregorian calendar each year.

    While observing the fast, indulgence of any sort, like food, drink, or sexual activity, is forbidden. During Ramadan special prayers (sembahyang Terawih) lasting some two hours are performed every night in mosques. After prayers, Muslims also spend some time reciting the Koran before retiring. The ideal is to complete the entire book before the end of the fasting month, and the arrival of Syawal.
    During the month of Syawal (otherwise known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Hari Raya Puasa), many Muslims open the doors of their homes to welcome all, bringing together people irrespective of creed, culture and position to participate in the rejoicing. An open house brings people together regardless of their religion, position or background. Local favourites like ketupat (rice wrapped in coconut leaves), peanut sauce and rendang (a dry spicy beef dish) are served.

    Khasiat Lobak Merah, baik untuk kesihatan

    Ramai tahu bahawa lobak merah bagus untuk mengekalkan kesihatan mata. Ini kerana ia kaya dengan vitamin A. Vitamin ini sangat diperlukan oleh tisu badan untuk pelbagai fungsi. Salah satu daripadanya adalah untuk membina pigmen bagi penglihatan yang baik pada waktu malam. Walau bagaimanapun memakan lobak semata-mata tidak akan menghalang anda daripada memakai cermin mata. Namun kekurangan vitamin A akan merosakkan penglihatan anda. Selain daripada lobak, sayuran hijau dan merah juga kaya dengan vitamin A. Sebagai sayuran berakar, lobak merah boleh dimakan secara mentah mahupun dimasak. Khasiat paling ampuh di dalam lobak merah sudah temtunya betakaroten yang mana berfungsi memberikan warna oren kepadanya. Betakaroten diketahui mempunyai khasiat yang tinggi terhadap kesihatan. Lobak merah juga kaya dengan serat diet, antioksidan dan mineral.


    Resepi Puri Brokoli untuk bayi.. SEDAP!

    Salam ceria :) ,
    Pada kali ni, saya akan hantar post tentang resepi atau makanan bayi pula. Pada bakal-bakal ibu boleh la standby resepi bayi ni bila usia bayi dah masuk 4 bulan ke atas. Kalau dalam pantang jangan bagi bayi makan bahan pepejal..Tercekik pulak karang..
    Tapi sebenarnya sistem pencernaan bayi belum cukup matang jadi jangan sekali-kali mencuba ya. Tunggu sekurang-kurangnya 4 bulan ke atas. Hari ni saya postkan cara membuat Puri Brokoli.
    ( Gambar kat atas ni, hiasan aje ye..tak jumpa gambar betul..hi hi )

    resepi utk bayi (6 bulan ke atas) By zeti

    antara resepi yang pernah saya buat untuk baby saya.

    Bubur nasi+lobak merah+ikan bilis
    Senang je.

    1. Sedikit beras (agak2 la)
    2. sepotong lobak merah di potong kecil-kecil
    3. Ikan bilis (goreng tanpa minyak dulu,kemudian kisar halus)

    Beras dibasuh bersih. Masak beras dan lobak merah hingga jadi bubur. Pas tu tabur ikan bilis yang dikisar tadi. Gaul. Kemudian bubur tu dikisar. Boleh bagi baby makan. yummy..yummy..
    p/s : boleh pelbagaikan sayur seperti bayam,brokoli dan kentang. Selamat menjamu baby anda!

    Resepi untuk bayi(6 bulan ke atas) By ainul zafirah

    Untuk 2-3 kali hidangan

    1. Nasi 2 sudu
    2. Setengah tofu telur/tauhu lembut dihancurkan
    3. 1 ekor isi udang dicincang/ beberapa ekor ikan bilis
    4. Sedikit Brokoli (agak2)
    5. Sedikit Lobak merah
    6. Sedikit air

    Cara2 nya:
    Nasi dicampur dengan tauhu/tofu telur, air,dan isi udang/ikan bilis. Biarkan mendidih, last sekali baru masukkan lobak merah dan brokoli.

    p/s :Jangan masak lama sangat sayur-sayuran agar vitaminnya tidak hilang. Bagi bayi yang belum tumbuh gigi bubur bolehlah dikisar atau dilecek.

    what babies may be eating from 4 months to 8 months of age.

    The baby feeding menus below are designed to give you an idea of what babies may be eating from 4 months to 8 months of age.

    Do NOT feel as though your baby should be eating solid foods according to any schedule. Your baby will eat as much solid foods as your baby needs – trust your baby cues. Start out slowly and let baby take time to taste and experiment with the food.
    Pay attention to your baby’s cues. She may want more if she continues to lean in for the spoon, opens her mouth or tries to grab the spoon and bring it to her. She may be finished when she turns her head away, clamps her mouth shut or cries as the spoon comes close to her. Don’t fret if there’s leftover food in the bowl and never force your baby to eat “one more bite” when she indicates she’s finished.
    Our menu sample is for example and idea purposes. You should always feed your baby according to his or her needs and cues and not strictly by any chart or schedule. You should look to charts and schedules as examples and for ideas about feeding your baby; following any chart or offered schedule may not be suitable for your baby’s particular circumstances and needs.
    What is a Food Cube serving? When we refer to a “food cube”, we are speaking of an ice cube sized serving. Each cube is equal to approximately 1 ounce.
    note 4-6 month old babies will likely be eating between 2 and 4 ounces of food per day. Some 4-6 month old babies may not have started solids at all.
    At 6 or 7 months old, some infants may eat 4-6 ounces of food per day while babies who are just starting solids at 6 or 7 months of age may be eating only 1-2 ounces per day.
    Remember the 4 day wait rule when creating a menu plan for your baby and offer only those foods that your baby tolerates well.
    Following any chart or offered schedule may not be suitable for your baby. Our menu sample is for example and idea purposes. The menus are geared to give you ideas of what types of food you could serve at different meal times to get a good balance of nutrients and variety. These menu suggestions assume that you have introduced the stated foods and that you have waited the proper time period to detect an allergic reaction.Do NOT feel as though your baby should be eating solid foods according to any schedule. Your baby will eat as much solid foods as your baby needs – trust your baby’s cues.

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